Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sunrise Safari

To cap off our visit to the Grand Teton National Park, we went on a guided wildlife tour with Wildlife Expeditions.  We were able to see elk bulls running through meadows, bison climbing a ridge with the Tetons behind them, some pronghorn playing in a field and three moose grazing in bushes near a stream.  Our guide, Natalie, was great and shared interesting information about the biology of the park and the animals in it.

We had to meet Natalie at 6:00 a.m. in town for the tour, and it was a bit rough.  But Natalie had hot tea, hot chocolate, coffee, muffins and water for us, which made the early wake-up call much better.

Because we had already driven through most of the park, Natalie took us to more remote areas and the adjacent Bridger-Teton National Forest.  She showed us an area where bighorn sheep sometimes hang out, and she also showed us where a landslide created a natural dam and Slide Lake.  It was a beautiful area to explore.

Here are some pictures from our tour:

Looking at elk through scopes

Tetons at sunrise

Bull elk in the road

Bison on a ridge in front of the Tetons

Moose in the willows

Slide Lake in the Bridger-Teton National Forest


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