Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dinner and an Arch

Henry loved his lasagna
After relaxing a bit at the campground after a long day's drive, we decided to head to downtown St. Louis for dinner and then walk around the Gateway Arch.

We were craving barbecue, but the two places we wanted to go to, either Bogard's or Pappy's Smokehouse weren't open today.  So we headed to the riverfront area and settled on the Old Spaghetti Factory.  As we were leaving the campground, dark clouds were overhead, and by the time we were walking from the parking garage to our car, it was pouring.  A bit soaked, we ran into the restaurant and quickly got a table.  

Dinner was great, from the homemade ranch dressing with pesto on our salads to the warm, fresh baked bread.  We all loved our meals and left the Old Spaghetti Factory with full stomachs.

We walked over to the Arch and got some exercise to work off our dinner.  The rain had stopped, and it's always interesting to see how the sunlight affects the Arch.  We stood far back and took full shots of it and then got closer in and took pictures from underneath it.  It never gets old - there's something awe-inspiring about it.

After enjoying the view outside, we headed underneath the Arch to visit the National Park Service Museum of Westward Expansion.  Henry wanted to go up in the Arch, so I wanted to show him the tiny, little cars that take you up and down in hopes to dissuade him.  No luck.  The lines were long, so I said we might look at doing it tomorrow if it's less crowded.  And by we, I mean me, because Jeff and Ruth aren't interested in riding up the Arch at all.  Those with claustrophobia need not apply.  It's a small car with a little window so that when your car get to the top of the Arch, you can see out the windows there. 

The museum tells the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition using quotes from the journals kept by Lewis and Clark and other men.  It also documents other pioneers' efforts to head west in the years after Lewis and Clark.  The exhibits are interesting, and there are also two movies:  one about Lewis and Clark's expedition and another about the building of the Gateway Arch.  We have already seen the Lewis and Clark one, but since the kids don't remember it, we might try to see it again tomorrow night if we can time it better.  

After an immersion in history, we sat outside under the Arch, enjoying the cooler, post-rain shower weather.  Beautiful evening.

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