Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ruth's Pool Report, Kansas Edition

The first time I went to the pool this trip was pretty fun, except for the freezing part. My plan for my whole life is that I want, before I die, to swim in a pool in every state. 

When we first got to the pool, there was another family there so I just jumped right into the deep end, but my brother went in slowly and it took him like 20 minutes just to get in!  Crazy!!!!  My dad just put his feet in and watched us.  The pool was pretty small, but I'm not gonna complain, at least we got a pool.  After we got out of the pool, there was an ice cream social at our KOA campground so I got chocolate and my dad got vanilla and my brother got Oreo. 

Well, I guess that's it for the pool report. See you soon,

                                                                                    Ruth :)

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