Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Henry's Zoo Review

When we came to St. Louis, I wanted to go to the zoo. It wasn't something we did when we went there before, and I love animals. 

Right as we pulled into our parking spot, we had another Amish sighting.  We walked right beside them all the way to the entrance and then never saw them again.

First, we went over quickly to pet sting rays and sharks because it was free before 9:00  a.m.and it was 8:36. Then we headed to see the Hippos, Elephants, Rhinos, and other animals that lived in or near the water.  We were unlucky with seeing all of the animals today.  Two of the five enclosures we looked at had keepers working in them or were under construction.  

I liked seeing the elephants.  They had a baby elephant with its mom.  The mom peed and pooped while we were trying to take pictures.  It was gross.

The Red Rocks area had zebras, big cats, camels, antelope, and other animals with hoofs.   Most of the animals in that section were there, which was good.  I took some good pictures of the male lion.  

One of my favorite parts of the zoo was the penguins.  They were swimming and fighting and one was staring at people walking by.  It was really cold in there.

We watched a bear walk around its area for awhile, and then it sat down like a human and looked around.   I took its picture.

Here are some of the pictures I took at the zoo: 

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