Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Michigan Wines

Whenever we're on trips, I like to pick up local products when possible.  Northern Michigan has taken to planting grapevines and producing wines, so I decided to try some.  Unfortunately, we didn't make it to any Michigan wineries on this trip - it's a little difficult to do that with the kids, and with so many other things to do.  But I had the opportunity to check out Michigan wines in some of the shops throughout the state, and picked up some to try.  

In one of the shops, a woman said many of the Michigan wines are on the sweet side, and sometimes I don't mind that, especially if it's a reisling.  So picked up some semi-dry and late harvest reislings, which would be good on a summer day or at Thanksgiving.  I also picked up some red wines, most of which are blends of various grapes.  I've already opened one of the rieslings and really like it.    If northern Michigan has any wine festivals, I'd be glad to come back for them!

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