Last night, Henry was checking his Instagram account and saw that a girl in his class posted a picture of the "Pure Michigan" sign. I know her mom, so I emailed her and asked if they were in Michigan and if they, by chance, would be anywhere near Petoskey. She emailed me the in the morning saying that they were in fact headed to Petoskey today. What are the odds of that?
Her family has a summer home nearby, and they'll be here for a week or so on vacation. We made plans to meet for dinner.

Her family has a nice home outside of Petoskey and they were having dinner on the beach. It was a perfect way to watch the sunset and hang out with friends. Jenny's family grilled burgers and steaks and corn on the cob. We had delicious wine and watched a beautiful sunset. The kids played in the water a bit and went to the "Sinking Sands," a part of the beach were the sand bubbles, and if you step onto it, you sink into it like quicksand. We are happy to report that both Henry and Ruth went in and got out of the quicksand just fine.

Being on the road this long, it was nice to talk to people outside of our little group of four.
Thanks to the Harvey and Krell families for a "Pure Michigan" experience!
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