Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Berries on the Honor System

After spending time in Bayfield, we were on our way back to the campground when we saw a sign for Rabideaux's berry stand.  We couldn't resist, so we drove a few miles up the road.  The berry stand was in the owner's garage, and it was a bit surprising to see that no one was working it.  There was a money box and note asking people to pay, and a list of what everything cost.  There were also samples of the raspberry and strawberry jams.

Ruth sampled the strawberry jam and said it was really good, so we bought a few jars.  We also bought some raspberries and blueberries to snack on later.

And in case anyone thought of taking some berries and not paying, there's also a sign telling customers that the garage has video cameras keeping an eye on them.

The berries were ripe and delicious - a perfect summer treat.

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