Let's discuss North Dakota for a second. After driving more than 400 miles across the state, one can definitely see they are on to something. There are entire towns springing up along exits that I'm sure had nothing there prior to the last year or so. Every mile we'd see a gas or oil well and 80% of the traffic was for heavy equipment.
We'd also see small camper 'towns' where workers were using them as temporary housing as I'm sure they are all from elsewhere and are just in North Dakota for work. There's no doubt that there's work there. I also just read yesterday that some of these land owners have nowhere to store the natural gas nor do they have an easy way to get it to market, and as a result that they simply are allowing close to one billion in revenue evaporate into the atmosphere without even trying to capture or otherwise store the gas. Anyone looking for work should just move to North Dakota - .they are begging for people.
Ruth and I drove together from Cloquet, Minnesota to Iron River, Wisconsin today and as we closed in on the campground, a very large black bear darted in front of us. I'm yelling "bear! bear!"and Ruth can't turn on her camera quick enough to snap the proof that I'm sure I'll need when Henry finds out.
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